The Amden Atelier [English Only]

The Amden Atelier [English Only]

The mountain community of Amden on the Lake Walensee was a place of social and artistic experiments as early as the beginning of the 20th century. In the last 15 years, many artists have been invited to exhibit in the Amden Atelier, a small farm, or to use the facilities for the production of a work of art. This publication includes all exhibitions and installations staged since 1999 and describes and discusses the individual art projects. The work is complemented by essays on the landscape, the place and its change of use to an exhibition space, on the curating concept and its development in recent years.

Deutsche Version nicht vorrätig.

  • Roman Kurzmeyer
  • 256 Seiten
  • 24.4x15.9x2.2 cm, Taschenbuch
  • ISBN 978-3-11-044042-3
  • De Gruyter, 2015

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